Wise Proverb Says Java

Words of Wisdom saying proverb Java Java is a collection that can be used as references wise words for all of us wherever we are, no matter the tribe whatsoever. and possibly also from other parts of Indonesia also has a collection of proverb or wise words in the local language, respectively. because this country is rich in customs and language so that the collectivity of language and literature also varied. Most important of all it has a good purpose and can be a means to unite the nation in the shade of Unity in Diversity

Wise proverb says Java is indeed not the newest or latest work, but the result of re-arrangement of ancient Javanese proverb or a saying. However, it is still worth a Javanese proverb and deserves to be read and examined for the way of life and also equip our English literature.

Wise proverb says Java:
  • Iku urip Kudu Urup | Life is necessarily Me-On, Live it should benefit other people around us, the greater the benefits we can give would be better.
  • Adhang-adhang tetese dew | hoping the arrival of something though few and uncertain.
  • Memayu Hayuning Bawana, Ambrasta dur Hangkara | Humans live in the world should pursue safety, happiness and well-being; and eradicate the nature of anger, greed and greed.
  • Ojo adigang-Adiguna-adigung. | Do not feel the strongest, most noble feeling, feel the most important.
  • Sura Dira Jaya Jayaningrat, Melting Dening Pangastuti | all perseverance, insular, anger, can only be defeated by an attitude wise, gentle and patient.
  • Ajining self dumunung lathi ing ana, ana ing ajining sports clothing. | The value of self lies at the mouth, physical value lies in clothes.
  • Without Ngluruk Bala, Win Without Ngasorake, SEKTI Without Aji-Aji, Sugih Without Bandha | Struggling without the need to bring the masses; Winning without degrading or humiliating; Authoritative without relying on power, strength; wealth or descent; Rich without based material.
  • Alon-alon waton kelakon. | only slowly succeeded origin.
  • Daton Serik Seagrass Ketaman, Daton Hard Seagrass Kelangen | Do not be easily offended when calamities befall; Do not be sad when losing something.
  • Becik ketitik striking style. | Do good or bad will eventually look as well.
  • Diobong not kobong, not watered teles. | disakti, suppressed, humiliated, neglected but still successful.
  • Ngarsa ing sung tuladha, middle Mangun ing intention, tut wuri Andayani. | Front became an example / examples, amid became Supervisor, behind supporting.
  • Nembang iso, iso nyuling ra, ra iso iso nyawang nyanding. | Could only admire someone but can not get together.
  • Gumunan Ojo, Ojo Getunan, kagetan Ojo, Ojo Aleman | Do not easily astonished; Do not easily regret; Do not easily shocked-shock; Do not be easily spoiled or spoiled. (So ​​if you want to succeed you must be enterprising and never give up and do not be satisfied.).
  • Gusti Allah ora sare. | God never sleeps (so all our actions and all that happens in this world never escape the observation of the Almighty).
  • Ojo Ketungkul Marang Kalungguhan, Kadonyan lan Kemareman | Do not be obsessed or confined by a desire to acquire status, material and worldly satisfaction.
  • Ngono yo ojo ngono ngono ning. | We may behave as we please, but do not overdo it.
  • Ngalah, ngalih, ballistic | Succumbing first, continue to avoid problems, if new can not be faced with violence. This is the principle that should be adhered warrior wait - be careful with a guy like this.
  • Ojo Kuminter Mundak keblinger, Ojo Cidra Mundak Cilaka | Do not feel the smartest in order not misguided; do not like to cheat in order not to harm.
  • Heaven obedient neroko Katut. | life determined later a wife of her husband's merits religion.
  • Wani relented, sublime wekasane. | sometimes it is better to succumb to the common interest.
  • Iro Yudho wicaksono | a brave knight fighting to defend the truth with wisdom based on - a good name for a good hope.
  • Goods Owned Kang Melok Ojo, Ojo Mangro Mundak Kendo | Do not be tempted by things that look fancy, pretty, beautiful; Do not think unambiguous intention to not loose and saggy spirit.  
Those are some wise words from Javanese proverb hopefully be an inspiration and motivation or advice for us who are in need of advice in order to survive vibrant life in any situation. If you want to add a saying or proverb others please add in the comments, in any language is not a problem as long as it is meaningless. Thank you
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