Biography 11 Famous Authors Poetry Indonesia

1. Chairil Anwar 

Anwar was born in Medan, North Sumatra, July 26, 1922 is the leading poet Indonesia. Often dubbed as "The Beast Bitch" because one of his poems entitled "I" or "spirit".

By H.B. Jassin, Anwar said to be a pioneer of modern poetry Force 45 and Indonesia. His name became famous in the literary world after loading the writing on the headstone magazine out in 1942, at that time he was only 20 years old. During his life, he has written about 94 works, including 70 poems. All the writings were published in a compilation by the Library of the People with the title roar Mix Dust (1949), Sharp Gravel deprived and The End (1949), and Three Reveals Fate (1950; together Asrul Sani and RIVAI APIN). Anwar's work was rejected by the magazine Reader Pandji because it was considered too moderate individuality and of the rules of poetry at that time. His works are scattered in the writings on paper cheap during the Japanese occupation. But in fact, who does not know Anwar now? Even overseas, I titled poem written on a wall and into a monument.

2. Asrul Sani

 Asrul Sani, born in Rao, West Sumatra, June 10, 1926, is a writer and film director famous in Indonesia. He is known as one of the pioneers Force 45, together with Anwar. Three anthology reveals the fate that he wrote together with Anwar and RIVAI APIN make a career kepenyairannya uphill. In addition, they also proclaimed manifestations of their cultures with the attitude of Credentials Arena, diaman it gives them a name among the literati.

3. Sitor Situmorang

Sitor Situmorang was born with the name of King Usu with surname Situmoran of Batak Toba. He was born in Harianboho, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra, October 2, 1923. Sitor Situmorang known as a journalist, writer, and poet Indonesia.

Career kepenyairannya said by A. TEEUW shine after the death of Anwar. He began his career as a journalist for the daily newspaper and the National Voice Alert. He also served as the Bureau of Culture Ministry employees of P & K, a lecturer at the Indonesian National Theatre Academy, member of the National Council, member of the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly represents the artists, members of the Science Advisory Board, and Chairman of the National Cultural Institute. On the New Order government, Sitor been jailed as a political prisoner in Jakarta starting in 1967-1974.

His works include Letters Green Paper (collection of poems (1954), Jalan Mutiara (drama (1954), In Sajak (a collection of poems (1955), Faces Nameless (a collection of poems (1956), Rapar Son of Bitch (1955), Zaman new (a collection of poems (1962), Prince (a collection of short stories (1963), Literature Revolutionary (a collection of essays (1965), Wall Time (collection of poems (1976), Sitor Situmorang Sastrawan 45, Poet Lake Toba (autobiography (1981), the Lake Toba (a collection of short stories (1981), Wind Lake (a collection of poems (1982), Flowers in Upper Stone (a collection of poems (1989), Toba na Sae (1993), Master Somalaing and Modigliani Envoy of the King of Rom (local history (1993), Rindu Kelana (collection of poems (1994), and Travel Map (collection of poems) that get the Jakarta Arts Council Poetry Prize in 1976.

4. Sutardji calzoum bachri

Sutardji calzoum bachri born in rengat, June 24, 1941, was a leading poet Indonesia. At the beginning of authorship career Sutardji works published in newspapers in Bandung, then his poems published in the magazine Horison and Culture Jaya and cultural space Sinar Harapan and News Buana.

Through his poems Sutardji showed himself as a reformer perpuisian in Indonesia after a period of Force 45. Mainly because it expresses the creed kepenyairan that want to liberate words from the confines of meaning, and the word was about the return of the function of the word (ie as a marker) such as a mantra , In addition, he also introduced a new way of reading poetry and unique in the world of Indonesian literature.

A collection of poems titled O Rage Axe is a complete publication of poems Sutardji of the writing period 1966 to 1979, this anthology is a combination of the three previous anthology of the same name is O, Amok, and ax. Kupulan rhyme O Rage Axe clearly reflects the renewal done on perpuisian Sutardji in Indonesia. Although unfortunately, he has changed the flow of current in old age in terms of writing poetry.

5. Abdul Hadi Wiji Muthari

Prof. Dr. Abdul Hadi Wiji Muthari or better known by the name Abdul Hadi, born in Sumenep, June 24, 1946 is a humanist writer, and philosopher Indonesia. He is known for his works patterned Sufi and research-penetiannya in literary midwife Malyu in the archipelago, as well as his views on Islma and Pluralism.

Analysts call this art as a creator of Sufi poetry in the 70s. Because of his work contains a lot of loneliness, death, and time. Therefore, he is often compared to his friend, that Taufik Ismail, who also often wrote religious poetry.

Works karnya include At Last We Meet Again, Arjuna in Meditation (together sutardji calzoum bachri and Darmanto Yatman), Sea yet Post, Meditation, Mirror, Depending on the wind, Portrait of Long A visitor Sanur Beach, Child Marine Son of the Wind, Madura: Prabhang outside and bearer of the Sun, and others.

6. Taufiq Ismail

Taufiq Ismail was born in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, June 25, 1935, is a poet and writer Indonesia. Since I was in high school, he had aspired to be a poet. To menbiayai literary dreams, he became a veterinarian and livestock expert, in order to have his own farm business (but it failed, and did not happen).

By H.B. Jassin, Taufiq Ismail called the poet Taufiq Ismail Force 66. But worried about that for fear of being satisfied and making lazy to write again. His works include Shame (I) So people of Indonesia, Tyranny and Fortress, Tyranny, Fortress, Guest Book Season of Struggle, Verse Field Corn, Recommend, I Animals, poems Sky, Prahara Culture: Flashback Offensive LEKRA / PKI et al , When Words When Colour, Seulawan-Anthology of Literature Aceh, and still banyka again.

7. W.S. Renda

Willibrord Surendra Broto Renda, better known by the name WS Renda was born in Solo, the Dutch East Indies, November 7, 1935, is a great writer Indonesia.

From a young age, he has started a career sastrawannya by writing a lot of poetry, plays, short stories and literary essays in banyka mass media. His poetry was first published in 1952 in the magazine Strategy. From there, his poems continue to be published in various magazines of the time such as malajalah Story, Art, Base, Confrontation, and New Strategy. And continued in the decade of the 60s to 70s.

In his book Modern Indonesian Literature II (1989), A. TEEUW said that in the history of modern Indonesian literature, Renda was not included in any of the forces or groups such as Force 45, Force 60's or 70's Force. Of his works seem that he has his own personality and freedom. His works include Ballada People Loving (set of rhymes, Blues for Bonnie, four set of rhymes, poems Shoes Tua, for father, Travel Bu Aminah, Singing People sloppy, Pamphleten van een Dichter, Image Development in Poetry, Caused by Wind, One Person Rangkasbitung, Renda: Ballads and Blues Poem, State of Emergency, and Benediction For Children-grandson.

8. Sapardi djoko damono

Prof. Dr. Sapardi djoko damono, born in Surakarta, 20 March 1940, is a poet Indonesia. Familiarly called SDD, known through his poetry that uses simple words and romantic. Some of his poems are very popular and well known by many segments of society, for example, his poem entitled I Want, Rain In June, In One Day, I'm the lake, and walk to the West in Time Morning. Largely due to the popularity of this poem poems Sapardi made musikalisasinya.

9. Mustofa Bisri

K.H. Ahmad Mustafa Bisri or better known as Gus Mus, was born in Rembang, Central Java, August 10, 1944, is a poet and author of the column is very well known among writers. In addition, he also was nanny Boarding Raudlatuh Tholibin in leteh, Rembang, One pendeklarasi National Awakening Party, and at the same time CLA logo designer used until now.

His works include poem Beautiful Names (Javanese, Publisher of Al-Huda Waterford), Ohoi, Poems Balm (Pustaka Firdaus in Jakarta, 1991.1994), Antalogi Poetry (Prima Reader Yogya, 1993), Hero and Mouse (set pusisi, Pustaka Firdaus, Jakarta, 1996), Al-Muna (Verse Beautiful Names, Javanese, Yayasan Pendidikan Al-Ibriz, Rembang, 1997), and others.

10. Ajip rosidi

Ust Rosidi, born in Jatiwangi, Majalengka, West Java, January 31, 1938, is a poet, writer, humanist, lecturer, founder and editor of several publishers, as well as the chairman of the Foundation of Culture Rancage.

According to Dr. Ulrich Kratz, ajip rosidi is the author of poems and short stories were the most productive until 1983, with the 326 title of his work published in 22 magazines. His first book, entitled The Years of Death published when he was 17 years old. He also wrote a collection of poems, a collection of short stories, novels, plays, essays and criticism, research, and others.

11. Muhammad Ainun Nadjib

Muhammad Ainun Nadjib, better known by the name Emha Ainun Nadjib or Cak Nun, was born in Jombang, East Java, May 27, 1953, was a prominent Islamic intellectual theme. He is also known as artists, and poets. The works of his poetry include "M" Frustration (1976), Poems Along the Way (1978), Poems of Love (1978), Singing Vagabond (1982), 102 For the Lord (1983), Suluk Pesisiran (1989), ocean Hijab (1989), Thousand Mosques One number is (1990), the Supreme Light of Light (1991), shred Diary Indonesia (1993), Abacadabra (1994), and the lyrics of Beautiful Names (1994).

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