1. Dr. (HC) Ir. Sukarno (ER, EYD: Sukarno, the name was born: Koesno Sosrodihardjo) (born in Surabaya, East Java, June 6, 1901 - died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970 at the age of 69 years) is Indonesia's first president who served during the period 1945 to 1966. He played a key role in liberating the people of Indonesia from Dutch colonial rule. He was proclaimed the independence of Indonesia (along with Mohammad Hatta) that occurred on August 17, 1945. Sukarno was first sparked the concept of Pancasila as the state of Indonesia and he himself called it.
Soekarno signed the Decree of March 11, 1966 Supersemar controversial, whose content-based version issued by the Army Headquarters-commissioned Lieutenant General Suharto to secure and maintain the security of the state and the institution of the presidency. Supersemar the basis Lieutenant General Suharto to dissolve the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and replace the members who sit in the parliament. Having rejected the accountability of the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS) at a public hearing to four in 1967, Sukarno was dismissed from his post as president of the Special Session MPRS in the same year and Suharto succeeded him as acting President of the Republic of Indonesia.
2. Sutomo (born in Surabaya, East Java, October 3, 1920 - died in Padang Arafat, Saudi Arabia, October 7, 1981 at the age of 61 years). better known by the nickname by the people as Bung Tomo, was a hero known for his role in inspiring the people to fight against the return of Dutch colonizers through NICA, which ended with the battle of 10 November 1945, which until now celebrated as Heroes Day. Sutomo born in Kampung Blauran, in downtown Surabaya. His father was Kartawan Tjiptowidjojo, a head of the family of the middle class. He has worked as a government employee, as a personal staff in a private company, as an assistant in the office of government tax, and minor employees in the Netherlands import-export company. He claimed to have blood ties with some close companion of Prince Diponegoro who was interred in Malang. His mother was of mixed blood of Central Java, Sunda, and Madura.dan Batak father was an all-rounder. He had worked as a policeman in the township, and had also become a member of SI, before he moved to Surabaya and become a local distributor for the Singer sewing machine company.
3. Raden Hadji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto (born in Ponorogo, East Java, August 16 1882 - died in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, December 17, 1934 at the age of 52 years) full name Raden oemar said tjokroaminoto Hadji, a national hero now better known as the HOS Cokroaminoto , born Ponorogo, East Java, August 16, 1882. He was a leader of one of the organizations that SI (SI). He later died at the age of 52 years which is dated December 17, 1934 in Yogyakarta. Tjokroaminoto was the second of 12 children of a father named RM Tjokroamiseno, a government official at the time. His grandfather, R.M. Tjokronegoro duke, had also served as Regent of Ponorogo.
De Ongekroonde van Java or "King of Java Without a Crown" named Tjokroaminoto is one of the pioneer movement in Indonesia and as a teacher of the great leaders in Indonesia, departing from the thought was that spawned a wide range of national ideology Indonesia at the time, the house he had made boarding houses great leaders to gain a science to it, namely Semaoen, Alimin, Muso, Sukarno, Kartosuwiryo, even Tan Malaka ever learn from him, he is the person who first refused to submit to the Netherlands, after he died was born the colorful movement of Indonesia which built by his students, the socialists / communists embraced by Semaoen, Muso, Alimin, Sukarno nationalist and Islamic Kartosuwiryo which doubles as a personal secretary. However, three of his students were at odds with each other according to their understanding. The influence of political forces at the time enables leaders who flock each other face to face until an uprising in Madiun in 1948 conducted the Communist Party of Indonesia since proclaimed "Soviet Republic of Indonesia" led Muso and forced President Sukarno to send elite troops TNI namely Division Siliwangi resulting "brother" nickname Soekarno to Muso Communist Party leader at the time was shot to death October 31, and continued uprising by the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) led by Kartosuwiryo and finally the death sentence handed down by Sukarno to his friend Kartosuwiryo on 12 September 1962.
In May 1912, HOS Tjokroaminoto SI founded the organization formerly known Islamic Trade Union and was elected chairman.
He was buried in the TMP Pekuncen, Yogyakarta, after falling ill after following the SI Congress in London.
One of her famous trilogy is high as high-science, pure-pure monotheism, clever-clever ploy. It describes the atmosphere of the struggle of Indonesia in his time that requires three capabilities in a freedom fighter.
Of the various pupil he liked most was until he married Sukarno Sukarno with his son namely Siti Oetari, the first wife of Sukarno.
His message to the students is that "if you want to be a great leader, write like a journalist and talk like the orator" these words anesthetize her students to make Soekarno every night shouting learn speech to make his friends are Muso, Alimin, Kartosuwiryo, Darsono, and others terbangung and laughs watching.
4. Pangeran Antasari (born in Wood Tangi, Sultanate of Banjar, 1797 or 1809- died in Bayan Begok, the Dutch East Indies, October 11, 1862 at the age of 53 years) is a National Hero of Indonesia.
He is Sultan Banjar. On March 14, 1862, he was named as the head of the supreme government in the Sultanate of Banjar (Sultan Banjar) with the title of Panembahan Amiruddin Khalifa Faithful front of the head of the Dayak and dukes (governor) ruler of the hamlet of Upper Kapuas and Kahayan namely Tumenggung Soerapatti / Tumenggung The Starch Jaya Raja.
5. Martha Christina Tiahahu (born in Nusa Sea, Maluku, January 4, 1800 - died in the Banda Sea, Maluku, January 2, 1818 at the age of 17 years) is a girl from the village on the island Abubu Nusalaut. Born around 1800 and at the time of taking up arms against the Dutch colonialists 17 years old. His father was Paul Tiahahu Kapitan, a lieutenant of the country Abubu who is also assistant Thomas Matulessy in Pattimura war in 1817 against the Netherlands.
Martha Christina noted as a unique freedom fighter who is a teenage girl who jump on the field of battle against the Dutch colonial army in the war Pattimura 1817. Among the fighters and the people up in the ranks of the enemy, he was known as a brave girl and consequently to the ideals ideals of struggle.
Since the beginning of the struggle, he always took part and persist. With his long hair straggling behind and bonded head beaver cloth (red) he stay with his father in every battle both on the island and on the island of Saparua Nusalaut. Day and night he is always present and participate in making fortifications. He not only took up arms, but also encourage women in the countries that helped men in every field of battle so the Netherlands overwhelmed women who fought.
In the fierce battle in the village Ouw - Southeast jasirah Ullath Saparua apparent how great this heroine common enemy fighters attacking people. But ultimately because it is not balanced in weapons, deceit and betrayal enemy, the hero can be arrested and punished. There should be hanged and there were banished to the island of Java. Kapitan Paul Tiahahu sentenced to death shoot. Martha Christina struggled to release his father from the death penalty, but he was powerless and continue bergerilyanya in the woods, but was eventually caught and exiled to the island of Java.
Warship in Eversten, Martha Christina Tiahahu died and his body was launched with military honors in the Banda Sea ahead of January 2, 1818. Respect for the service and sacrifice, Martha Christina was confirmed as a National Hero by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
6. Cut Nyak Dien (old spelling: Tjoet Nja Dhien, Lampadang, the Kingdom of Aceh, 1848 - Sumedang, West Java, 6 November 1908; buried in Mountain Quail, Sumedang) is a National Hero of Indonesia from Aceh who fought against the Dutch in the future Aceh war. After the VI region Mukim attacked, he fled, while her husband Ibrahim Lamnga fought against the Dutch. Ibrahim Lamnga Gle killed in WTC on June 29, 1878 that led to Cut Nyak Dien was very angry and sworn to destroy Netherlands.
Teuku Umar, one of the leaders against the Netherlands, apply Cut Nyak Dien. Cut Nyak Dien at first refused, but because Teuku Umar let him participate in the battlefield, Cut Nyak Dien agreed to marry him in 1880. They had a child named Cut Xylophone. After his marriage to Teuku Umar, he along Teuku Umar fought together against the Netherlands. However, Teuku Umar died while attacking Meulaboh on February 11, 1899, so he struggled alone in the interior of Meulaboh along with his troops. Cut Nyak Dien when it is old and has gout and myopic, so that the troops were called Pang laot reported its existence because of compassion. He was eventually arrested and taken to Banda Aceh. There he was treated and the disease begin to heal. However, its presence adds to the spirit of resistance of the people of Aceh. He is also still dealing with the Acehnese fighters who have not been caught. As a result, Dhien isolated in Sumedang. Tjoet Nyak Dien passed away on November 6, 1908 and was buried in Mountain Quail, Sumedang.
7. Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo (EYD: Cipto Mangunkusumo) (Pecangakan, ambarawa, 1886 - Jakarta, March 8, 1943) was a prominent Indonesian independence movement. Together with Ernest Douwes Dekker and Ki Hajar Dewantara he was known as the "Three Ones" are widely disseminate the idea of self-government and critical of the Dutch East Indies colonial administration. He is a character in the Indische Partij, a political organization that was first sparked the idea of self-government in the hands of locals, not by the Netherlands. In 1913 he and two colleagues were exiled by the colonial government to the Netherlands due to the writings and political activities, and only returned in 1917.
Cipto doctor married to a businessman Indo batik, fellow members of the organization Insulinde, named Marie Vogel in 1920.
In contrast to the two men in the "Three Ones" who then takes the path of education, Cipto continue to run in politics as a member of the Volksraad. Because of its radical stance, in 1927 he was exiled by the colonial government to Banda.
He died in 1943 and was buried in the TMP Ambarawa.
8. Sultan Hasanuddin (born in Makassar, South Sulawesi, January 12, 1631 - died in Makassar, South Sulawesi, June 12, 1670 at the age of 39 years) is the King of Gowa 16th and Indonesian national hero born with the name I Mallombasi Muhammad Bakir Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangepe as giving the name of Islam Qadi Gowa Sultanate namely Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid Jalaluddin Bafaqih bin Al-Aidid, a congregation mursyid Baharunnur Baalwy South Sulawesi and teacher institutes of Sheikh Yusuf and Sultan Hasanuddin. Having climbed the Throne as Sultan, he received an additional title of Sultan Hasanuddin Tumenanga Ri Pangkana Balla, only better known as the Sultan Hasanuddin only. Because of his courage, he was nicknamed De Haantjes van Het Oosten by the Netherlands, which means Roosters / Jago of the Eastern Continent. He was buried in Katangka, Gowa. == He was appointed as a National Hero by Presidential Decree No. 087 / TK / 1973, dated November 6, 1973.
9. Posthumous TNI Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai (born in the village Carangsari, evening, Badung regency, Bali, Netherlands East Indies, January 30 1917 - died in Marga, Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia, November 20, 1946 at the age of 29 years) is a hero Indonesia from Badung regency, Bali.
Ngurah Rai have an army called "TOKRING" crisp kotok do final battle known as Puputan Margarana. (Puputan, the Balinese language, meaning "all-out", while Margarana means "Battle on Highways"; Marga is a capital district in the remote village of Tabanan, Bali)
Together with 1,372 members fighter MBO (Headquarters Oemoem) Perjoeangan Council of the Republic of Indonesia Lesser Sunda (DPRI SK) made the headstone in Complex Monument de Kleine Sunda Eilanden, Temple Marga, Tabanan. Detailed struggle I Gusti Ngurah Rai and regiments CW can be seen from some books, such as "guerrilla Together Ngurah Rai" (Denpasar: BP, 1994) the testimony of one of the staff MBO DPRI SK, I Gusti Bagus Meraku Tirtayasa winning "The saving of Journalism Harkitnas 1993", book "People Around Mr. Rai: Stories The Friends of National Hero Brigadier General (posthumously), I Gusti Ngurah Rai" (Denpasar: Upada Literature, 1995), or the book "Puputan Margarana Date 20 November 1946" compiled by Wayan Djegug A Giri (Denpasar: YKP, 1990).
Indonesian government confers Mahaputra Star and promoted to Brigadier General (posthumously). The name was later immortalized in the name of the airport in Bali, Ngurah Rai.
10. General Large Raden Sudirman (EYD: Sudirman; born January 24, 1916 - January 29, 1950 died at age 34 years) is a high-ranking officer Indonesia during the Indonesian National Revolution. Commander of the Indonesian National Army's first major, he is widely respected in Indonesia continues. Born of a pair of ordinary people in Purbalingga, the Dutch East Indies, Sudirman was adopted by his uncle who was a gentry. After the family moved to Cilacap in 1916, Sudirman grew into a diligent student; he was very active in extracurricular activities, including scouting program run by the Islamic organization Muhammadiyah. While in high school, Sudirman began to show his ability in leading and organizing, and respected by the community for his piety in Islam. After dropping out of college teacher, in 1936 he began working as a teacher, and later became head of the school, Muhammadiyah elementary school; He is also active in other activities and become the leader of Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah Youth Group in 1937. After the Japanese invaded the Dutch East Indies in 1942, Sudirman still teaching. In 1944, he joined the army Homeland Defense (PETA) sponsored Japan, served as a battalion commander in Banyumas. During his tenure, Sudirman alongside fellow soldiers mutiny, but later exiled to Bogor.
After Indonesia proclaimed its independence on August 17, 1945, Sudirman escape from the detention center, then go to Jakarta to meet with the President. He was assigned to oversee the process of surrender of Japanese troops Banyumas, which did after establishing the local division of People's Security Agency. His force and made part of Division V on October 20 by the temporary commander Oerip Soemohardjo, and Sudirman responsible for the division. On 12 November 1945, in an election to determine the great commander TKR in Yogyakarta, Sudirman selected to be a great commander, while Oerip, who has been active in the military before the Sudirman was born, became chief of staff. While waiting for the appointment, Sudirman ordered the attacks on British and Dutch troops in Ambarawa. This battle and the withdrawal of British troops led to the growing strength of popular support for Soedirman, and he eventually was appointed as commander of major on 18 December. Over the next three years, Sudirman to witness the failure of the negotiations with the Dutch colonial army who wish to re-colonize Indonesia, the first is Linggajati -which co-composed by Sudirman - and then the Renville Agreement -which led to Indonesia must return the territories taken in the Military Aggression I to the Netherlands and the withdrawal of 35,000 Indonesian troops. He also faces a revolt from within, including a coup attempt in 1948. He then blamed these events as the cause of his tuberculosis; due to the infection, his right lung dikempeskan in November 1948.
On December 19, 1948, a few days after the Sudirman discharged from the hospital, the Dutch launched Military Aggression II to occupy Yogyakarta. In the current political leaders took refuge in the palace sultan, Sudirman, along with a small group of soldiers and his personal physician, traveled to the south and launch guerrilla resistance for seven months. Initially they were followed by the Dutch troops, but Sudirman and his men managed to escape and set up a temporary headquarters in Sobo, near Lawu. From this place, it is capable of commanding the military activity on the island of Java, including the General Offensive March 1, 1949 in Yogyakarta, led by Lt. Col. Suharto. When the Dutch began to pull away, Sudirman was called back to Yogyakarta in July 1949. Although it wants to continue resistance against the Dutch troops, he was banned by President Soekarno. Diidapnya TB disease recurrence; he retired and moved to Magelang. Sudirman died approximately one month after the Netherlands recognized Indonesian independence. He was buried at the Heroes Cemetery Semaki, Yogyakarta.
Sudirman death into mourning for all the people of Indonesia. Flags flown at half-mast and thousands of people gathered to watch the procession of funerals. Sudirman continue to be respected by the people of Indonesia. Guerrilla resistance defined as a means of developing esprit de corps for the Indonesian army and the guerrillas along the 100-kilometer (62-mile) by which this should be followed by Indonesia before graduating cadets of the Military Academy. Sudirman rupiah banknotes are displayed in output in 1968, and his name immortalized as the name of a street, universities, museums, and monuments. On December 10, 1964, he was designated as a National Hero of Indonesia.
11. Pattimura (or Thomas Matulessy) (born in Haria, the island Saparua, Maluku, June 8, 1783 - died in Ambon, Maluku, December 16, 1817 at the age of 34 years), also known as the Moluccas Kapitan Pattimura is a hero and a national hero Indonesia.
According to a biography Pattimura government version first published, M Sapija wrote, "That the hero Pattimura classified as derivative nobility and originated from Nusa Ina (CERAM). Father he named Antoni Mattulessy was the son of Kasimiliali Pattimura Mattulessy. The latter is the son of the king Sahulau. Sahulau the names of people in the country are located in a bay on the South Ceram ".
But unlike the historian Mansour Suryanegara. He says in his book History of Fire that Ahmad Lussy or in the language of the Moluccas called Mat Lussy, born in Hualoy, South Seram (not Saparua as it is known in the history of the government's version). He is the nobility of the Islamic empire Sahulau, which was ruled Sultan Abdurrahman. This king is also known as Sultan Kasimillah (Kazim Allah / God Assistants). In the language of the Moluccas called Kasimiliali.
12. Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat (EYD: Suwardi Suryaningrat, since 1922 became Ki Hadjar Dewantara, EYD: Ki Hajar Dewantara, some Javanese language to write the sound Ki Hajar Devantoro; born in Yogyakarta, May 2, 1889 - died in Yogyakarta, 26 April 1959 at the age of 69 years; hereinafter abbreviated as "Soewardi" or "KHD") is the Indonesian independence movement activist, columnist, politician and pioneer of education for the natives of Indonesia from the Dutch colonial era. He is the founder of Taman Siswa University, an educational institution that provides an opportunity for the indigenous masses in order to obtain the right to education as well as the gentry and the Netherlands.
His birth date is now commemorated in Indonesia as National Education Day. Part of the slogan creation, tut wuri handayani, became the slogan of the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia. His name is immortalized as one of a name of Indonesian warship KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara. Portrait of himself immortalized on 20,000 rupiah denomination banknotes year 1998 emissions.
He was confirmed as a national hero of the 2nd by the President, Sukarno, on 28 November 1959 (Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 305 of 1959, dated November 28, 1959).
13. Dr. (H.C) Drs. H. Mohammad Hatta (born with the name of Muhammad Athar, popularly known as Bung Hatta; born in Fort de Kock (now Bukittinggi, West Sumatra), the Dutch East Indies, August 12, 1902 - died in Jakarta, March 14, 1980 at the age of 77 years) is a fighter , statesmen, economists, and also the first Vice-President of Indonesia. He along Soekarno play an important role to liberate the nation of Indonesia from Dutch colonialism once proclaimed on 17 August 1945. He also served as prime minister in the first Cabinet Hatta, Hatta II, and RIS. He resigned as vice president in 1956, because it clashed with the President. Hatta also known as the father of Indonesian Cooperatives.
Jakarta's international airport, Soekarno-Hatta, using his name as a tribute to his services. Besides enshrined in Indonesia, the name of Mohammad Hatta was also immortalized in the Netherlands, namely as the name of the street in a residential area Zuiderpolder, Haarlem with the name Mohammed Hattastraat. In 1980, he died and was buried in the Land coachman, Jakarta. Bung Hatta established as one of the National Hero of Indonesia on October 23, 1986 through Decree number 081 / TK / 1986 /
14. Prince Dipanegara, also often spelled Diponegoro (born in Yogyakarta, 11 November 1785 - died in Makassar, South Sulawesi, January 8 1855 at the age of 69 years) is a national hero of the Republic of Indonesia. Diponegoro renowned for leading the Diponegoro War / Java War (1825-1830) against the government of the Dutch East Indies. The war was recorded as victims of war with the greatest in the history of Indonesia.


SISINGAMANGARAJA XII is Patuan Bosar his name, which was later dubbed by Ompu Pulo Batu. He is also known as Patuan Bosar Ompu Pulo Batu, ascended the throne in 1876 succeeded his father Singamangaraja XI named Ompu Sohahuaon, but that he also called as the king imam. Coronation SISINGAMANGARAJA XII as overlord of the country Toba coincide with the start of the open door policy (open door policy) Netherlands in securing foreign capital operating in the Netherlands East Indies, and who refused to sign Korte Verklaring (agreement short) in Sumatra, especially the Sultanate of Aceh and Toba, in which the kingdom is opened trade relations with other European countries. On the other hand the Netherlands alone trying to instill its monopoly over the kingdom. These different political situations encourage further to deliver Tapanuli prolonged war for decades.
17. Teuku Umar (Meulaboh, 1854 - Meulaboh, February 11, 1899) is the hero of the independence of Indonesia are struggling with how to pretend to cooperate with the Netherlands. He was against the Netherlands when it has collected weapons and enough money.
18. Tuanku Imam Bonjol (born in bonjol, West Sumatra, Indonesia in 1772 - died in exile and was buried in Lotak, Pineleng, Minahasa, 6 November 1864), is one of the scholars, leaders and fighters who fought against the Dutch in battle known as the Padri War in 1803-1838. Tuanku Imam Bonjol was appointed as National Hero of Indonesia by Presidential Decree No. 087 / TK / 1973, dated November 6, 1973.
19. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo (born in Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta, January 7, 1852 - died in Yogyakarta, May 26, 1917 at the age of 65 years) is an Indonesian national hero. His name is always associated with Budi Utomo because although he was not the founder of the organization of the national awakening, he was the initiator of the establishment of the organization that established the School student tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen Jakarta.
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