Poetry Developments in Indonesia Before Independence

The development of poetry in Indonesia started around the mid-19th century, when the country once known as the Dutch East Indies society began to develop the print media. It seems the development of our literature can not be separated from the development of publishing, especially poetry. And most of the writers are also journalists who put komunikasi. Malay language as a tool for a long time already became the language of oral communication in the archipelago, but because the press prints using it as a communication tool, it seems they have to change the spoken it into writing, which sounds into letters.

Poetry in Malay printed and distributed since the 19th century, when the print media began to develop in the Dutch East Indies. Since the 1870s there has been a newspaper containing poems in Malay, namely newspapers published Bianglala in Batavia.

Introduction to Western culture led to the poets we consider new ways of writing, but a very strong influence of the oral tradition causes forms - forms such as poetry and poetry is also becoming an important choice.

The emergence of a large number of new poems in various periodicals proved that in our literature when it was happening a reform process that is very important. And at that time there was a current strong influence of the West. A group of young writers and intellectuals who joined the New Poet magazine. The magazine with the persistent offers a variety of Western concepts to dismantle the nation thought we were considered to have started experiencing congestion in the future. They showed various weaknesses that exist in our poetry writing tradition bleak rhymes and poems. They tried to convince that the best way to advance the literature is to imitate a variety of pronunciations from the West.

Oral traditions wherever the origin of writing poetry. Modern poetry written based on the principles of literacy, have inseparable connection with the principle of orality. Poetry devices such as rhyme, rhythm, repetition, alliteration, assonance and alignment shows that poetry writing and printing had to be 'dilisankan' to get the beauty and meaning. Poem and mantra is a form of oral tradition we can be said to be the original. The influence of Hinduism has given rise to the ancient poet creates kakawin, a kind of strict rules of poetry writing, which later evolved into the Javanese culture macapat. The arrival of Islam also leads the poet developed a new type such as ghazal, nizam, and nalam originating from the Middle East.

Using modern Indonesian poetry types are generally called the Malay language and Malay Low High. High Malays seem to be considered transformed into Indonesian. In literature there was never any difference between the low and high language language.

Source: Damono, Sapardi Djoko. Indonesian Poetry 2009. Prior to Independence. Bandung: Teens Rosdakarya
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